SiOO:X applications

Complementing visionary architecture

Beautiful projects

SiOO:X Impregnation has an extensive range of application. It is used across all wood types – softwoods, hardwoods and engineered woods. It is specified by architects, end users, developers, constructors and contractors. SiOO:X is used in the public space and on commercial and private projects around the world. See “The Sioo Story” -> read the book.


There are many examples of SiOO:X being used on the homes of leading architects around the world and we are proud to have this ultimate testimony. References and links to the specifying architect can be found throughout the project gallery.


Typical applications are cladding, enginered timber structures,decking, artwork and landscape structures. There is a major emphasis on cladding sructures in the UK and Ireland.


Because of its environmental strengths and aesthetically pleasing natural appearance SiOO:X has been chosen by world leading architects particularly in highly sensitive and protected environments. In the most demanding and testing locations such as coastal locations SiOO:X has a proven record.

Split levels

Rural Barn House


Lakeside holiday lodges

Wicklow Mountains

Home in County Wicklow

House in Bray

Elizabeth’s Tree House

Traditional vernacular design

Blackrock Passive House