Before and after
Check and compare the results before and after a SiOO:X treatment in the gallery above.
- The pooldeck in Svartå, Sweden, was SiOO:X-treated in august 2023. The silicon shield, along with a silvergrey colour, emerged only 3 weeks later. The newly built extension now matches the older part of the deck, treated in 2018.
- SiOO: X treated deck at Apellebacken, Gösslunda in Sweden. Before and after picture after 1 year.
- House in Öijared, Partille in Sweden designed by architect Johan van Wachenfeldt. Sioo:x-treated fir panel. At the left after 1 year, At the right after 5 years.
- 30 year old jetty treated with SiOO:X. The result after 1 year is very good. The SiOO:X treatment cleans and protects the wood from algae, dirt and slipping for many years to come with just easy maintenance.
Foto: @apellebacken och Richard Hansson.