Premium Wood and Surface Protector
SiOO:X Impregnation is a two component system consisting of Premium Wood Protector and Premium Surface Protector prepared for factory application.
The components are supplied in 10, 20, 25 and 60 litre containers and 600 and 1000 litre IBC’s. Smaller containers in 1, 3 and 5 litre sizes are available for hand application for smaller areas. 250 ml sample-bottles are available.
The two components are designed to be used together and they interact to create a unique patented effect to protect wood. In addition to the protective benefits of the treatment, SiOO:X develops a beautiful silver grey colour as it cures, similar to the natural weathered look, over a period of several months.
- SiOO:X is suitable for many common species including Larch, Cedar, various hardwoods, and certain modified woods eg thermally modified pine.
- For use in external above ground conditions; timber cladding or decking should be selected for its natural durability with minimum durability Class 3
- Two coats of Part 1 and one coat of Part 2 of the SiOO:X treatment MUST be applied. Please check the application instructions
SiOO:X Wood Protector – Step 1 – contains silicon, potassium and natural particles of wood and plants. it is strongly alkaline with a pH value of 10.8. By means of the specifically prepared components SiOO:X Wood Protector penetrates wood very easily. It opens up the wood structure and penetrates the microstructure of the wood fibre.
When SiOO:X Wood Protector dries, the silica expands, “matures” and forms a network within the wood-fibres. That is when the effect of SiOO:X shows – the silver grey lustrous appearance develops over time.
It is an effortless and unique process that does not damage the fibres. Thus a layer of silica is created in the wood reinforcing it and making it more durable. At the same time, without tightening the wood, this layer creates a barrier that also reflects heat.
SiOO:X Surface Protector is the second component – Step 2 – and consists of silicon in the shape of environmentally friendly and water based silane. The formula is designed to combine SiOO:X Wood Protector and SiOO:X Surface Protector, with the latter acting as a fixing agent and a water repellent. Still, SiOO:X Surface Protector is open for vapour diffusion (the wood can breathe) and creates an optimal environment for the two products in co-operation to effectively protect the wood.
Weathering over time:
How a façade weathers is dependent on the location, design and the species of timber used. Facades which have not weathered evenly may be deemed unsightly due to inconsistent colouration. A common example of this is when boards protected by the building’s eaves maintain their natural colour whilst more exposed areas of the building weather down to a grey colour. SiOO:X is a solution to this problem. In the months following application all boards will turn the same tone regardless of their colour and exposure to the elements prior to application, resulting in a desirable, uniform silver grey appearance.